
Explore membership levels and benefits for the Sonoma International Film Festival.

Become an Integral Part of SIFF

SIFF members enjoy discounted access to films by critically acclaimed and award-winning filmmakers at the Sonoma International Film Festival all year, supporting our mission to bring the best in cinema to Sonoma. Join us and our community of film lovers and filmmakers today.

You can also show your support for SIFF by making a tax-deductible gift of any meaningful amount to you.

Year-Round Memberships

Our charter membership sale has been extended - join or renew today!
Members receive great discounts on festival passes & tickets!

Membership Levels & Benefits

Friend Membership
Sale: $75
Regularly $100
  • Membership can be shared with a fellow film lover (2 people per membership max)
  • 15% off SIFF merchandise
  • $5 discount on all festival and year-round screenings: 2 per screening/event
  • $25 discount on festival pass: 2 max

Benefactor Membership
Sale: $150
Regularly $200
  • Membership can be shared with a fellow film lover (2 people per membership max)
  • 15% off SIFF merchandise
  • $5 discount on all festival and year-round screenings: 2 per screening/event
  • $25 discount on festival pass: 2 max
  • 2 complimentary tickets to monthly screenings with wine-tasting at the Sebastiani Theatre
  • Early access to single ticket pre-sale for festival screenings and events
  • Invitation to First Look Festival Preview

Contributor Membership
Sale: $300
Regularly $350
  • Membership can be shared with a fellow film lover (2 people per membership max)
  • 15% off SIFF merchandise
  • $5 discount on all festival and year-round screenings: 2 per screening/event
  • 2 complimentary tickets to monthly screenings with wine-tasting at the Sebastiani Theatre
  • 4 complimentary tickets to regular festival screenings
  • Early access to single ticket pre-sale for festival screenings and events
  • Invitation to First Look Festival Preview
  • $50 discount on festival pass: 2 max

Angel Membership
Sale: $450
Regularly $500
  • Membership can be shared with a fellow film lover (2 people per membership max)
  • 15% off SIFF merchandise
  • 2 complimentary tickets to monthly screenings with wine-tasting at the Sebastiani Theatre
  • 8 complimentary tickets to regular festival screenings
  • Early access to single ticket pre-sale for festival screenings and events
  • $5 discount on all festival and year-round screenings: 4 per screening/event
  • Invitation to First Look Festival Preview
  • $75 discount on festival pass: 2 max

Premier Membership
Sale: $900
Regularly $1000
  • Membership can be shared with a fellow film lover (2 people per membership max)
  • 15% off SIFF merchandise
  • 4 complimentary tickets to monthly screenings with wine-tasting at the Sebastiani Theatre
  • 16 complimentary tickets to regular festival screenings
  • Early access to single ticket pre-sale for festival screenings and events
  • $5 discount on all festival and year-round screenings: unlimited per screening/event
  • Invitation to First Look Festival Preview
  • $100 discount on festival pass: 2 max