Box Office · 21 Patten St · (707) 509-0991

Attending the Sonoma International Film Festival is as easy as going to a regular movie—single tickets are available for all shows at the festival box-office at 21 Patten Street, at individual screening venues the day of the show, and online here by searching from the festival Film Guide or Film Schedule

(707) 509 0991



March 10th-18th
12pm - 8pm

March 19th-23rd
9am - 6pm

Buy a festival pass to watch as many films as you want whenever you want.


$20 Advance 

Regular Film Screenings

($15 SIFF Members)

$25 Day of Show 

at the Venue

(cash or credit / no discounts)

Film Veterans Tell All Panel

The Film That Blew My Mind Podcast

$10 Advance / $15 Day of Show

($5 Members)

Opening Night Film:

Sweet Störy 

$50 Advance ($45 SIFF Members)

Closing Night Film 

The Wedding Banquet

$40 Advance ($35 SIFF Members)

HopMonk Studio 54 Disco Party

Centerpiece Party

$75 ($70 SIFF Members)

Marcella´s Italian Dinner

$250 Regular Seats ($225 SIFF Members)

$450 VIP Seats

$2,250 Table of 10 ($2150 SIFF Member)

$4,200 VIP Table of 10