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Late Night Films
When the sun sets, the Sonoma International Film Festival turns up the intensity with its Late Night selections—films that push boundaries, shock the senses, and keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Image from The Surfer.
2025 Late Night Film Selections
This year, Nicolas Cage delivers an electrifying performance in The Surfer, a mind-bending psychological thriller where a beachside feud spirals into madness.
Meanwhile, The Ugly Stepsister reimagines Cinderella as a gruesome body horror tale, where one stepsister will go to unthinkable lengths—tapeworms and all—to claim her fairytale ending.
Dark, daring, and deliciously twisted, these films are not for the faint of heart.
The Surfer
Nicolas Cage stars in a psychological thriller where a beachside feud spirals into madness. (Dir. Lorcan Finnegan/Australia/99min)
The Ugly Stepsister
Cinderella meets body horror in this wickedly twisted fairy tale, where one stepsister stops at nothing—tapeworms and all—to win the Prince. (Dir. Emilie Blichfeldt/Norway/110min)