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Take 5 with SIFF: Charlotte Hajer
Executive Director | Sonoma Community Center | Sonoma, California

Describe yourself as a film genre:
Before I had kids, I might have been something broody and European. But these days, life feels mostly like a screwball comedy.
What is your favorite movie of all time and why?:
I've always loved Franco Zeffirelli's Jane Eyre - the one with Charlotte Gainsbourg. I loved the book and to me, this movie version gets the tone just right.
Who would play you in a movie?:
I'm told I look like Charlize Theron!
What's your go to movie snack?:
Anything with chocolate in it...
What Film Title best describes your life?
Hmm... I'll say Chocolat - as a reminder to slow down and savor life, no matter how chaotic it gets.